Things you should know about Wood Plastic Composite,
HDPE, Internal external lubrciant for WPC, PP, PVC, SILIKE SILIMER 5320, Wood Plastic Composites,
Wood plastic composites need the right additives for strength, nice looks, and long Life.
Depending on the HDPE, PP, PVC, and other wood plastic composites, wood filler content, and performance requirements of the application, SILIKE can provide suitable lubricant solutions for the manufacture of Wood Plastic Composite products. a small addition of SILIKE silimer 5320 can improve the quality of WPC in an efficient manner while reducing production costs and no need secondary treatment.
grades Silicone Masterbatch
grades Silicone Powder
grades Anti-scratch Masterbatch
grades Anti-abrasion Masterbatch
grades Si-TPV
grades Silicone Wax